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What is al-Ḥikmah?
In Arabic, ḥikmah is translated as “Wisdom”.
Allah ﷻ says the “And whosoever is given wisdom, surely he has been given an abundance of good.” (2:269)
The exegetes of the Qur’ān have offered many explanations as to what is meant by “wisdom” in this verse. Some are:
1- Having in depth knowledge of the Qur’ān
2- Knowledge of the shar’īah
3- Sound understanding
4- To be correct in our speech and actions
5- The fear of Allāh ﷻ
Imām al-Ṭabarī comments that ‘wisdom’ in this verse means to be correct in our speech and actions. He further explains that all of the other explanations are complementary to it; because to be correct in our affairs, we must have sound understanding, knowledge of the shar’īah, and the fear of Allah ﷻ.
(Tafsīr al-Ṭabarī)
Abdullah ibn Mas’ūd, one of the most knowledgeable disciples of Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ, has said: “The root of wisdom is the fear of Allāh ﷻ”.
(Bayhaqī fī shuʿab al-‘Imān)